Why do rich people use spa massage bathtubs?
2024-03-10 15:30Regular spa treatments via a spa jacuzzi bathtub can really benefit people's health; these include not only stress relief and muscle pain relief, but much more:
1. About spa therapy
Throughout history, humans have used relaxation and team building to reduce stress during the workday. For centuries, one of the most traditional and healthiest ways to combine these two methods is through hydrotherapy using a spa jacuzzi bathtub. From ancient public baths to modern spa massage bathtubs with jets, the healing power of water has been perfectly unleashed to relieve the stress of work and life and provide an environment for pleasant interactions between relaxed people.
Hydrotherapy is an ancient form of treatment and stress relief based on three simple principles: heat, buoyancy and the movement of water or hydromassage.
Heat dilates blood vessels and increases circulation in the body, which allows enzymes and endorphins to work more quickly and efficiently in certain parts of the body, such as muscles, joints that are strained, injured, or under stress. Heat also allows cells to more easily get rid of metabolic waste products, which are replaced with oxygen and the body's natural nutrients.
Buoyancy is a simple physical problem. When suspended in water, the weight of the human body is reduced by 90%, the specific gravity is reduced, and the pressure on the spine, muscle groups, ligaments and joints is significantly reduced.
Hydromassage in a spa massage bathtub is the process of delivering flowing water to various parts of the body and is the final key element of the process, all of our body systems benefit from hydromassage. Hydromassage can also improve flexibility, increase circulation and provide restorative benefits.
Hydrotherapy is not just an unparalleled way to relieve stress and stress-related conditions such as high blood pressure, headaches, and chronic pain, it benefits every part of the body, including the skeletal, respiratory, circulatory, neuromuscular, and digestive systems. Hydromassage increases the body's circulation and improves the digestive process; waste and metabolic by-products are more easily eliminated, strengthening the body's immune system.
2. Arthritis Pain and Fibromyalgia Syndrome
In a certain sense, the spa massage bathtub is your smart "masseur", providing you with considerate services anytime and anywhere. The added benefits of heat are better blood flow and buoyancy, which relieves the pressure of gravity on the body, making the spa an ideal treatment for arthritis and fibromyalgia. Regular hydrotherapy can relieve arthritis symptoms. The heat in the water relaxes the body and increases blood flow, the powerful massage nozzles relax muscle tension and soothe sore joints, and the buoyancy of the water makes you feel lighter as 90% of your body weight is lifted.
3. Type 2 diabetes
A recent study in the New England Journal of Medicine shows that people with type 2 diabetes may benefit from regular use of hydrotherapy. Most diabetics cannot tolerate strict lifestyle and eating habits, which makes weight control and blood circulation difficult for diabetics.
The study showed that after spending 30 minutes a day in a spa jacuzzi bathtub, patients' blood sugar levels dropped significantly and their sleep improved. For those who feel discomfort and inconvenience every day due to diabetes, spa jacuzzi bathtub can be their "magic weapon" to improve their quality of life.
When you have a spa massage bathtub, you don't just relax for a while, you get an experience that has a profound impact on your quality of life. spa jacuzzi bathtub not only makes us happy, but also generates healthy value. It is hard to imagine that happiness and health can be integrated in our surroundings.